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ELVIS PRESLEY the KING Pictures, songs and biography of ELVIS

(The King)


Context of the time
Many people - parents and adults regarded the music blues as a "music of the devil", too savage. The young people, them, were more sensitive to this music full with rate/rhythm and energy. They even listened to - often in secrecy - the radios which diffused this kind of music. It should be said that here the invention of the transistor and the portable radio played an important part: while the parents listen to their emissions preferred on the large fixed radio in the living room, the banked-up beds, in their room, the ears stuck to their small portable radio, listen to the high-speed motorboats of the blues, like Little Richard or Conceited Domino. Of course, Elvis, also listened to him in secrecy...

Elvis Aron Presley, was born on January 8, 1935, in Tupelo in Mississippi.
In 1948, the Presley family settles in Memphis.
All that Elvis heard like little boy with the church with his parents, during his walks with Beale Street, or with the radio... All that, one finds it in the very personal way in which it sings the blues.
It is thus a little randomly that from the rock' roll was born a legend.
Elvis obtains his vat with the Humes college in 1953. During the summer, it records one 45 turns : My Happiness and That' S Wen Your Heartaches Begin in Memphis Recording Service (head office of Sun Records) to offer to his/her mother. In July 1954, the owner-producer of Sun Records, Sam Phillips, introduces Elvis at two local musicians, the guitarist Scotty Moore and the double bass player Bill Black.
July 5, the trio records That's All Right, Mama with Blue Moon of Kentucky opposite B the disc leaves under the Sun label on July 19. It is the first disc of Elvis. The three associated ones continue to record and start to play in the area. Beater D. J. Fontana joint with the group in 1955.
1954, Elvis at the time driver in Crown Electric Company decides to record a disc "My hapyness" for the birthday of his Gladys mom, by pushing the door of the studio Sun Records.
The secretary : Marion Kessner, subjugated by the voice of Elvis calls Sam Philips, the owner, who without waiting associates 3 musicians of studio to him :
- Scotty Moore (lead guitar),
- Bill Black (double bass player),
- D.J Fontana (battery).
From this memorable meeting was born "Thats all right mama" which propels Elvis to the firmament of stars of rock' N roll.
The Elvis phenomenon took form, soon followed by "Good rocking to night" "Blue moon of Kentucky" "My baby left me" then incredible "Blue Sweden shoes", taken again of a title of Carl Perkins, victim little after a car accident.
The anecdote tells that Presley regulated all the expenses of hospital of this last with the royalties of "Blue Sweden shoes".
Then the titles are connected: "Tutti frutti", "I got has woman", "Landwy miss Claudwy", "RIP it up", "Long tall Sally", "So glad your mine", etc.
The list would be too long for all to enumerate them...

The cinema
Since 1955 the cinema makes him a wink while making him turn "Coils to me tender", french title of the "Rider of the twilight".
Success is average, but the scene of end of movie where the character played by Elvis dies, makes cry more than one fan, me including...
Elvis then makes still cinema and records (1962 to 1969), 23 sound tracks of his movies, at a rate of 2 or 3 each year.
1956 Love me tender
1957 Loving you
1957 Jailhouse Rock
1958 King Creole
1960 G.I. Blues
1960 Flaming star
1961 Blue Hawaï
1961 Wild in the country
1962 Girls, girls, girls
1962 Follow that dream
1962 Kid Galahad
1963 Kissin' Cousins
1963 It happened at the world fair
1963 Fun in Acapulco
1964 Viva Las Vegas
1964 Roustabout
1965 Paradise hawaiian style
1965 Harum Scarum
1965 Girl happy
1965 Tickle me
1966 Frankie and Johnny
1966 Spinout
1967 Easy come easy go
1967 Clambake
1967 Double trouble
1968 Live a little love a little
1968 Speedway
1968 Stay away Joe
1969 Charro
1969 The trouble with girls
1969 Change of habit

The coach
Colonel Tom Parker becomes the manager of Elvis. In November, it signs with RCA Records which will be its label for all the remainder of its career. In 1956, "Heartbreak Hotel", is found at the head of the classification in much of hit-parades. This first 45 turns of Elvis at RCA (and first gold disc), leaves January, followed in March of its first album Elvis Presley.
It appears for the first time at television in the emission Stage Show, and the same year, in The Milton Berle Show, The Steve Allen Show and The ED Sullivan Show. In November, the first of first film of Elvis, "Coils to Me Tender", takes place in New York.
Up to now the large high-speed motorboats of the blues were Blacks as those which had created the rock' roll : Ellas Bates, Little Richard, Conceited Domino, and well of others... But it is Elvis Presley, him which was not a Black, which received the title of "King of rock' roll". Presley never wrote a song itself, but it added a "pop" aspect to its way of singing, which was going to ensure its first successes to him.
Elvis Presley undoubtedly carried out a kind of music which knew to like everyone, a music which was to some extent a combination of all the musics born on the American ground. That does not have the air of nothing, a small song rock' roll, but it is that !

They are connected: Blue Sweden Shoes, Of which cruel Be...
Elvis Presley causes a passion and a passion among young Americans who are identified with this rebellious young man who defies the codes. Years 1950 constitute the first golden age of the American singer whom one calls King. Discs of gold per ten, concerts explosive, Elvis becomes an idol.
In 1957, it buys a property of 80 parts with Memphis: Graceland. It invites there its family and her friends to whom it distributes... of Cadillac. At the time of its incorporation in the army which begins in 1958, it makes the knowledge of Priscilla Beaulieu which it will marry in 1967 in Las Vegas. Previously, Elvis had begun a noticed cinematographic career. Its successes with the cinema however leave the place with disastrous productions.

The same year, it buys Graceland in March. Loving You and Jailhouse Rock leave... In November, it sings for the first time at Hawaii.

In décembre 1958, Elvis receives his sheet of convocation under the flags and passes its first Christmas to Graceland.
In August, his mother, Gladys, fall sick. It returns to the house on August 12 ; Gladys dies the 14 at the 46 years age. In October, Elvis arrives on the basis of military Friedberg to Germany, where it will remain until March 1960. He visits Paris in 1959, during a 15 days permission. In autumn, it meets Priscilla Beaulieu.

It is officially released on March 5, 1960. The same month, it records an emission with Frank Sinatra diffused in May. Before the end of the year, it leaves 3 individual which will be number 1 with the hit-parade, an album number 2 and one album number 1.
February 25, 1961 is issued "Day Elvis Presley" in Tennessee. It gives 2 concerts of charity to Ellis Auditorium with the profit of about thirty works of the area of Memphis.
In March, it occurs in Pearl Harbor in Hawaii ; the receipt contributes to finance a memorial with the USS Arizona. It will be the last concert in public before the televised show of 1968.

Its marriage
May 1, 1967, Elvis and Priscilla marry in Aladdin Hotel of Las Vegas. The couple passes its honeymoon to Palm Springs to California before returning in Memphis. 1968, birth of his daughter LISA Marie, February 1. The second fortnight of June, it repeats the show televised "Elvis". The recording takes place from the 27 to June 30, and the emission will be diffused on December 3.

After a passage to the army in 1958, it returns to the music and plays in films with the water of pink ensuring success to him. But times are hard for young Elvis. While he officiated under the flags, four boys in the wind unloaded in the song: Beatles. Those are not deprived to make fun publicly of the interpreter of sirupeuses words, quite distant from their style.
Isolated and exceeded by the new musical tendencies represented by Beatles or Doors, Elvis Presley is not any more on the front of the scene. However, it returns under the fire of the topicality at the end of 1960. In a diffused emission on December 3, 1968, Elvis' 68, it appears in black leather and the devastating smile. King is back well and it ignites the public again.

The come back
In 1969, for the first time since 1955, Elvis records in Memphis. These meetings will leave In The Ghetto, Suspicious Minds, Don' T Cry, Daddy and Kentucky Rain. In March and April, it finishes its last role, in the film Change of Habit. July 31, first of a 4 weeks engagement and 57 concerts, which will be a triumph, with the International Hotel of Las Vegas.

During years 1970, Elvis knows a second life. Become a true icon, Presley triumphs in particular in Las Vegas where it occurs in 600 concerts. He raises from now on sumptuous costumes of scenes sometimes decorated with ruby and diamonds.
Side slides, Elvis falls into paranoia and isolates itself more and more. Compulsive eater and accro with the drugs, King always attracts however fans is delirious about it for great unforgettable musical masses.

The fall
The failure of its marriage with Priscilla Beaulieu, and especially the untimely death of his mother, leave disabled Elvis. Directed by an agent without scruples which despises of the problems of health of the star, Presley becomes exhausted in an unrestrained rate/rhythm in concerts. King is not any more fringuant it young rocker out of black wind-breaker but a singer in "legs of eph" big by alcohol and drug like by a great diet.

Its death
Elvis dies out on August 16, 1977 to 42 years.
He is found died in the bathroom of Graceland, by his friend Ginger Alden. Despite everything the efforts to revive it, it is declared died officially at 4 p.m.. The report/ratio of the medical investigation concludes with a natural death (heart failure).
Overdose, cancer of the bones, assassination... of many theses were launched to explain the early death of this large rock'n'roll. That which popularized the rock' roll in Europe remains forever the largest singer of the contemporary time. To date, it would have sold nearly a billion discs.

Into the hours which followed, of the thousands of fans flowed in front of the grids of Graceland, hoping against any hope that the rumours were false. The following day, when Elvis was transported in Graceland for the last time, more than 80 000 people bound themselves along Elvis Presley Boulevard black of world in order to present their condolences.

Homages flowed of everywhere; comrades actors and singers, politicians, fans, all seemed eager to express their sorrow and their recognition towards Elvis. President Jimmy Carter expressed the feeling of million people when it declared: Elvis perhaps left, but its legend will remain with us for always. The day of the funeral, a procession of 16 cars convoya the body of Elvis from Graceland to the cemetery along a road of almost 5 kilometers in the medium of a guard of honour made up of thousands of fans. Its last place of rest is in Meditation Garden, in Graceland for reasons of safety.

It is present in my life in the moments of joy and sorrow, and it seldom occurs a day without I not listening to Elvis.
Thank you Elvis, for all. For your immense talent and your extraordinary voice, for happiness that you get to me when I listen to you to sing, and thank you also for the generosity of which you ace make proof at the time of your life of man. We will never forget you.

Jacques Frenkel

Its quotations
"the ambition is a dream with a fuel injection engine."
[ Elvis Presley ]

"the children are the most invaluable thing in the life. A relative must do all that it can to give to a child the direction of the family."
[ Elvis Presley ]

"To believe in a God is more important than to go to the church."
[ Elvis Presley ]

The legend and interrogations...
Two hours after official death, a double was seen buying a ticket for Bueno Aires, paying in liquid under one of the pseudonym of King : John Burrows.

Elvis had several reasons "to organize" his death. The life of Elvis was in danger. It had recently lost $10,000,000 in a bad investment with an organization named the "Fraternity" which had bonds with the Maffia. One speculates that it would have collaborated with the government in order to dismantle a network of the crime organized in exchange of protection, in the form of a change of identity forming part of the programme of re-letting of the witnesses.
Moreover, Elvis was a prisoner of his own popularity. He had many reasons to leave his life behind him. Because of its incredible popularity, it received many death threats and worried about safety about his wife and her daughter. Sometimes to leave Graceland, it sent doubles to distract the vigileance from the paparazzis. It is known qu"Elvis travelled in the back trunk of cars of friends in order to sow its prosecutors. When it fell sick to Las Vegas, it did not have all the treatments which it would have liked, precisely because of the presence of fans in the neighbourhoods of the hospital.
At the moment of its death. Elvis was almost at the end of his career. He was 42 years old, his hair grisonnaient, he had a surplus of weight considerable, his voice weakened. He decayed and was too proud to leave while complaining some. He would not have liked that its fans see it under a so ungrateful physical condition.
Several Elvis occasion showed his fascination for death. The previous days its death it would have visited funerary houses, with friends, at undue hours. Did it make a research? Elvis had already planned a death by balls where one supposed killer sifted it balls with white and where Elvis was stuffed false hematomas. Elvis wanted to know how its close relations additional clause his death would react. Would its conclusions have convinced it of the relevance to pass to the act ?
Finally, the book of bedside of Elvis was the spiritual biography of Maharishi Mahesh Yogi. One of the main topics of this book is the will to be detached from its terrestrial possessions in order to reach a spirituality parfaite.Elvis could have wanted to make thus by putting in scene its death and being exiled.

Elvis had the means necessary "to assemble" his death. One showed it to destroy his life with drugs. Actually, Elvis was an expert in pharmacology. He took drugs but was conscious and careful in what he did. He knew drugs which mimeraient death. Its experiment of the martial arts made that it could have slowed down its rate of heartbeat and its breathing in order to simulate death.
The manager of Elvis, colonel Tom Parker, had already created for itself a false identity. He had come to the USA like illegal Dutch immigrant, but with connections had forged a complete identity with passport, certificate of birth, driving licence and number of Social Security. It would have known how given to Elvis one second life.
In more of his testimony against "Fraternity", Elvis had discussions with the President of the United States. One speaks about governmental papers in the name of John Burrows alias of Elvis for his displacements. People believe that Elvis would have been an agent of the office of drugs. It had after all the contacts with the musical society peoples, which one know groove with the shady world. With its governmental connections it would have had access to the programmes of relocalization of the witnesses.

Orion ?
Several believe that Elvis could not abandoned of a blow the show business. After a time of exile, the desire to turn over to the scene would become strong L' history of Orion supports this theory, that Elvis would have tried a return to the scene, incognito.
Little after its death, a masked singer of the name of Orion made its beginnings on scene. It had the size of Elvis and sang like him. Because of the mask, nobody knew his true identity. A fan describes to have seen Orion close to the scene, it clamp that Orion left scene between the songs and reappeared without rings of sweats under the arms a few seconds afterwards, even as the costume appeared slightly different to him. After the song, it left the scene and reappeared Orion truth.
Another fan known as to have seen two Orion in a bus of the round where it was assembled. One of Orion would have hidden in the toilets but it resembled Elvis Presley.
What is mysterious it is that a novel fiction of Gail Brewer-Georgio, entitled Orion, tells the history of an artist who had several identities and which wanted to put in false scene its dead. This history fur written and presented at the agency William Morris after death of Elvis but before the appearance of Orion. It is seen that Orion used the scenarios of the book, for example, it had a manager of the same name. Certain events of the book had arrived at Elvis. Like an imitation of the artistic life of this one.

While inquiring...
In 1981, television show 20/20, inquired into the circumstances surrounding death of Elvis Presley . The report/ratio of investigation which followed was convincing. As by chance, in the first weeks of the investigation, the Orion singer, disappeared without leaving any trace, one never re-examined it. The book, Orion, disappeared from all the bookshops in the USA. One pointed out the copies in the editor, a subsidiary company of the agency William Morris. Incidentally, the agency William Morris was that which represented Elvis.
It seems that Elvis was worth more dead than alive. By simulating its death, while being relocated with a new identity, it put safe from its fans and "Fraternity", the government had a solid file against the network of the organized crime and RCA, the family of Elvis and her manager found themselves with a fortune of benefit.
Except for a premium... nobody boxed the policy insurance life of Elvis...

Theory of the wax mannequin
This argument is more convincing when one considers the facts of them. The tomb of Elvis required several carriers of coffin because it weighed 900 pounds. Those which attended the funeral reported that the air around the cerceuil was passably cold. It is possible that it tomb contained a cooling unit to keep a wax cold manequin - a manequin which would be the counterpart of King and intended to delude the assistance with the funeral.
How the Presley family would have ordered and obtained an exclusive cerceuil of 900 pounds also quickly since the funeral took place the following day even its death? A so elaborate cerceuil would have taken several working days.
And at the same time, why of the funeral also quickly? The speculations let to us believe that all was organized so that is made difficult with the mass of fans of Elvis to attend the funeral... the largest fans could have distinguished and to denounce swindles it mannequin.
Elvis was black belt 8th daN in karate, his hands were rough with callosities, but the ihumé body had mendoza pulleys and smooth. The body in the coffin had a flattened nose and eyebrows arched (irressemblant) and évenement important, one of the rouflaquettes of Elvis on the "body" was detached gradually. A hairdresser paid, later, to have restuck the favourite places from there on the body.

Odd events
Two hours after the death of Elvis was reported to the public, a man that one says to resemble to mistake there in Elvis, bought a plane ticket for Buenos Aires, paying in liquid, and using the name of John Burrows: the same one alias as Elvis used many times before.
Elvis had books which they regarded as invaluable possessions. A bible, several treaties pharmacological, books on the Death and its most invaluable: the book of numerology of Chiro and the autobiography of Maharishi Mahesh Yogi of which we will approach the subject further. After the advertisement of died of Elvis, these books disappeared and were never found.
In the weeks preceding its presumedly died, the intrigues of Elvis were not those which one could await from a man who embarks in an intensive musical round of the USA. It had again not ordered costumes of scene in spite of the 50 pounds gained since its last recital. moreover, he had said "good-bye" to his last spectacle in Hawaii. It was unusual. Good-bye meaning the finality contrary to its usual "I you will re-examine with my next recital" which wants to say "goodbye".
Several were intrigued by the decision of King to sign a so lucrative contract of television with the NBC network in order to cover the recital. It was without precedent for a station to pay a so amazing amount, in advance and cash, for the cover of an event. Much is questioned besides why Elvis, if conceited, would have accepted this agreement, since its obesity discouraged it of all public appearances.
RCA envisaged a such medium, an incredible quantity and a massive production of new and old recordings as well as varied goods of Elvis. It is practical current before a recital, but the proportion in this case was disproportionate. The advertisement of died of Elvis caused a rise of the sales reaching of the tops until now ever equalized.
Elvis made other unusual and suspect things. Firstly, it congédié several of its employees of long date. Also, two days before its presumedly died, Elvis telephoned to a friend, to Miss Foster. It said to him that it would not go to its next recital. Ell asked whether it had cancelled it, and it answered that not. When it asked to him whether it were sick, it said to be in form and especially that she was not any more to ask him questions or to speak about the conversation to anyone, and not to believe all that she could read in the newspapers. It added that all its problems would be finished soon and that it it A rappelerait in a few weeks. The author of the book "Elvis where are you?" (Elvis where are you?) writing that Miss Foster underwent the test of the polygraph following this assertion and that it did not lie.
One day after the supposed death of Elvis, a named woman Lucy De Barbon, an old flame of Elvis, received by delivery, only one pink. The chart indicated that the flower came from "El Lancelot". It was a pseudonym of Elvis whom she only knew. Such deliveries are unthinkable after the death of the shipper.
It was the way which had chosen Elvis to let know that it was living even if it did not want that it is found.

Community of the fans...
The Elvis Presley's fans listen very regularly and frequently their LP of this singer now missing.
Its voice, its music fills them of emotion, helps them to face a sometimes difficult daily newspaper, alleviates them, instigates them, regenerates them.
This emotion finds its source in the various significances in the voice of Presley. This one became, during the particular relation which was established between them and the singer, the voice of a close relation, of a close friend, object of a great emotional investment.
The voice of Presley also symbolizes the emotional community to which belong the fans, heat source and comfort, enthusiasm and collective emotion. These is a voice, finally, which recalls to each one of them every moment of happiness found in the worship, the sacrifices carried out, the authorized investments and their rewards: an individual and collective identity, a new perceived existence as the search finally carried out of happiness.


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1. Elvis Presley - 1956
2. Le disque d'or d'Elvis Presley - 1958
3. Elvis' gold records - 1959
4. Elvis golden records - Vol. 3 - 1963

5. Frankie and Johnny - 1966
6. Elvis' gold records - 1968
7. Elvis sings - Flaming star - 1969
8. Elvis in person at the International hôtel - 1969

9. On stage - 1970
10. Elvis now - 1972
11. Elvis forever - 1974
12. Elvis Presley compil RCA - 197?

(Alphabetic order)

A Big Hunk o' Love
A Boy Like Me, a Girl Like You
A Cane and a High Starched Collar
Adam and Evil
A Dog's Life
(Now and Then There's) A Fool Such as I
After Loving You
A House That Has Everything
A Hundred Years From Now
Ain't That Loving You Baby
A Little Bit of Green
A Little Less Conversation
Allá En El "Rancho Grande"
All I Needed Was the Rain
All Shook Up
All That I Am
Almost Always True
Almost in Love
Aloha Oe
Always on My Mind
Amazing Grace
America the Beautiful
A Mess of Blues
Am I Ready
An American Trilogy
And I Love You So
And the Grass Won't Pay No Mind
An Evening Prayer
Animal Instinct
Any Day Now
Anyone (Could Fall in Love With You)
Anyplace Is Paradise
Anything That's Part of You
Anyway You Want Me
Are You Lonesome Tonight ?
Are You Sincere
Ask Me
As Long As I Have You
As We Travel Along the Jericho Road
A Thing Called Love
A Whistling Tune
A World of Our Own
(You're So Square,) Baby I Don't Care
Baby, if You'll Give Me All of Your Love
Baby, Let's Play House
Baby, What You Want Me to Do
Bad Nauheim Medley
Barefoot Ballad
Beach Boy Blues
Beach Shack
Because of Love
Beginner's Luck
Beyond the Bend
Beyond the Reef
Big Boots
Big Boss Man
Big Love, Big Heartache
Bitter They Are, Harder They Fall
Black Star
Blessed Jesus Hold My Hand
Blowin' in the Wind
Blueberry Hill
Blue Christmas
Blue Eyes Crying in the Rain
Blue Hawaii
Blue Moon
Blue Moon of Kentucky
Blue River
Blue Suede Shoes
Bosom of Abraham
Bossa Nova, Baby
Bridge Over Troubled Water
Bringin' It Back
Burning Love
By and By
Can't Help Falling in Love
Carny Town
Catchin' On Fast
Change of Habit
Cindy, Cindy
City by Night
Clean Up Your Own Backyard
C'mon Everybody
Come Along
Come What May (You Are Mine)
Cotton Candy Land
Could I Fall in Love
Cross My Heart and Hope to Die
Crying in the Chapel
Danny Boy
Dainty Little Moonbeams
Dark Moon
(You're the) Devil in Disguise
Didja' Ever
Dirty, Dirty Feeling
Dixieland Rock
Doin' the Best I Can
Doncha' Think It's Time
Do Not Disturb
Don't Ask Me Why
Don't Be Cruel
Don't Cry Daddy
Don't Forbid Me
Don't Leave Me Now
Don't Think Twice It's All Right
Do the Clam
Do the Vega
Double Trouble
Down by the Riverside
Down by the Riverside and When the Saints Come Marchin' In
Down in the Alley
Do You Know Who I Am
Drums of the Islands
Early Mornin' Rain
Earth Angel
Earth Boy
Easy Come, Easy Go
(Such an) Easy Question
Echoes of Love
Edge of Reality
El Toro
Everybody Come Aboard
Faded Love
Fame and Fortune
Farther Along
Finders Keepers, Losers Weepers
Find Out What's Happening
First in Line
Five Sleepy Heads
Flaming Star
Follow That Dream
Fool, Fool, Fool
Fools Fall in Love
Fools Rush In
Forget Me Never
(That's What You Get) For Lovin' Me
For Ol' Times Sake
For the Good Times
For the Heart
For the Millionth and the Last Time
Fort Lauderdale Chamber of Commerce
Fountain of Love
Frankfort Special
Frankie and Johnny
Froggy Went a Courtin'
From a Jack to a King
Funny How Time Slips Away
Fun in Acapulco
Gentle on My Mind
G.I. Blues
Girl Happy
Girl Next Door Went A'walking
Girl of Mine
Girls ! Girls ! Girls !
Give Me the Right
Go East, Young Man
Goin' Home
Golden Coins
Gonna Get Back Home Somehow
Good Luck Charm
Good Rockin' Tonight
Good Time Charlie's Got the Blues
Got a Lot o' Livin' to Do
Got My Mojo Working / Keep Your Hands Off of It
Green, Green Grass of Home
Guitar Man
Happy Ending
Harbor Lights
Hard Headed Woman
Hard Knocks
Hard Luck
Harem Holiday
Have a Happy
Have I Told You Lately That I Love You ?
Hawaiian Sunset
Hawaiian Wedding Song
Heartbreak Hotel
Heart of Rome
He Is My Everything
He Knows Just What I Need
He'll Have to Go
Help Me
Help Me Make It Through the Night
Here Comes Santa Claus (Right Down Santa Claus Lane)
He's Only a Prayer Away
He's Your Uncle, Not Your Dad
He Touched Me
Hey Little Girl
Hey, Hey, Hey
Hey Jude
Hi Heel Sneakers
His Hand in Mine
(Marie's the Name of) His Latest Flame
Holly Leaves and Christmas Trees
Home Is Where the Heart Is
Hot Dog
Hound Dog
House of Sand
How Can You Lose What You Never Had
How Do You Think I Feel
How Great Thou Art
How's the World Treating You?
How the Web Was Woven
How Would You Like to Be?
I Beg of You
I Believe
I Believe in the Man in the Sky
I Can Help
I Can't Help It (If I'm Still in Love with You)
I Can't Stop Loving You
I Don't Care if the Sun Don't Shine
I Don't Wanna Be Tied
I Don't Want To
I Feel So Bad
I Feel That I've Known You Forever
If Every Day Was Like Christmas
If I Can Dream
If I Get Home on Christmas Day
If I'm a Fool (For Loving You)
If I Were You
I Forgot to Remember to Forget
If That Isn't Love
If the Lord Wasn't Walking by My Side
If We Never Meet Again
If You Don't Come Back
If You Love Me (Let Me Know)
If You Talk in Your Sleep
If You Think I Don't Need You
I Got a Feelin' in My Body
I Got a Woman (I Got a Sweetie)
I Got Lucky
I Got Stung
I Gotta Know
I, John
I Just Can't Help Believin'
I Just Can't Make It by Myself
I'll Be Back
I'll Be Home for Christmas
I'll Be Home on Christmas Day
I'll Be There
I'll Hold You in My Heart (Till I Can Hold You in My Arms)
I'll Never Fall in Love Again
I'll Never Know
I'll Never Let You Go (Little Darlin')
I'll Never Stand in Your Way
I'll Remember You
I'll Take Love
I'll Take You Home Again Kathleen
I Love Only One Girl
I Love You Because
I'm Beginning to Forget You
I'm Coming Home
I'm Countin' on You
I Met Her Today
I'm Falling in Love Tonight
I'm Gonna Sit Right Down and Cry (Over You)
I'm Gonna Walk Dem Golden Stairs
I Miss You
I'm Leavin'
I'm Left, You're Right, She's Gone (My Baby's Gone)
I'm Movin' On
I'm Not the Marrying Kind
I'm So Lonesome I Could Cry
I'm With a Crowd But Oh So Alone
I'm Yours
Indescribably Blue
I Need Somebody to Lean On
I Need Your Love Tonight
I Need You So
Inherit the Wind
In My Father's House (Are Many Mansions)
In My Way
In the Garden
In the Ghetto
In Your Arms
I Really Don't Want to Know
I Shall Be Released
I Shall Not Be Moved
Is It So Strange
Island of Love
I Slipped, I Stumbled, I Fell
It Ain't No Big Thing But It's Growing
It Feels So Right
I Think I'm Gonna Like It Here
It Hurts Me
It Is No Secret (What God Can Do)
It Keeps Right on A-hurtin'
Ito Eats
It's a Matter of Time
It's a Sin
It's a Wonderful World
It's Carnival Time
It's Diff'rent Now
It's Easy for You
It's Impossible
It's Midnight
It's Now or Never
It's Only Love
It's Over
It's Still Here
It's Your Baby, You Rock It
It Won't Be Long
It Won't Seem Like Christmas
I've Got a Thing About You Baby
I've Got Confidence
I've Got to Find My Baby
I've Lost You
I Want to Be Free
I Want You, I Need You, I Love You
I Want You With Me
I Was Born About Ten Thousand Years Ago
I Washed My Hands in Muddy Water
I Was the One
I Will Be Home Again
I Will Be True
Jailhouse Rock
Jesus Walked That Lonesome Valley
Johnny B. Good
Joshua Fit the Battle
Just a Little Bit
Just a Little Talk With Jesus
Just Because
Just Call Me Lonesome
Just for Old Time Sake
Just Pretend
Just Tell Her Jim Said Hello
Kentucky Rain
King Creole
King of the Whole Wide World
Kissin' Cousins
Kissin' Cousins (number 2)
Kiss Me Quick
Known Only to Him
Lady Madonna
Lawdy Miss Clawdy
Lead Me, Guide Me
Let It Be Me
Let Me
Let Me Be There
Let's Be Friends
Let's Forget About the Stars
Let Us Pray
Let Yourself Go
Like a Baby
Little Cabin on the Hill
Little Darlin'
Little Egypt
Little Sister
Lonely Man
Lonesome Cowboy
Long Black Limousine
Long Legged Girl (With a Short Dress on)
(It's a) Long Lonely Highway
Long Tall Sally
Look Out Broadway
Love Coming Down
Love Letters
Love Me
Love Me, Love the Life I Lead
Love Me Tender
Love Me Tonight
Lover Doll
Love Song of the Year
Lovin' Arms
Loving You
Make Me Know It
Make the World Go Away
Mama Liked the Roses
Mansion over the Hilltop
Mary in the Morning
Mean Woman Blues
Memphis Tennessee
Merry Christmas Baby
Milkcow Blues Boogie
Milky White Way
Miracle of the Rosary
Mona Lisa
Money Honey
Moody Blue
Moonlight Swim
Mr. Songman
My Babe
My Baby Left Me
My Baby's Gone
My Boy
My Desert Serenade
My Happiness
My Heart Cries for You
My Little Friend
Mystery Train
My Way
My Wish Came True
Never Again
Never Been to Spain
Never Ending
Never Say Yes
New Orleans
Night Life
Night Rider
No More
(There's) No Room to Rhumba in a Sports Car
O Come, All Ye Faithful
Oh How I Love Jesus
Old MacDonald
Old Shep
O Little Town of Bethlehem
On a Snowy Christmas Night
Once Is Enough
One Boy Two Little Girls
One Broken Heart for Sale
One Night
One Night of Sin
One-sided Love Affair
One Track Heart
Only Believe
Only the Strong Survive
Paradise, Hawaiian Style
Patch It Up
(There Will Be) Peace in the Valley (for Me)
Petunia the Gardener's Daughter
Pieces of My Life
Plantation Rock
Playing for Keeps
Please Don't Drag That String Around
Please Don't Stop Loving Me
Pledging My Love
Pocketful of Rainbows
Poison Ivy League
Polk Salad Annie
Poor Boy
Power of My Love
Promised Land
Proud Mary
Puppet on a String
Put the Blame on Me
Put Your Hand in the Hand
Queenie Wahine's Papaya
Rags to Riches
Raised on Rock
Reach Out to Jesus
Ready Teddy
Reconsider Baby
Release Me
Return to Sender
Riding the Rainbow
Rip It Up
Rock-a-hula Baby
Run On
Sand Castles
Santa Bring My Baby Back to Me
Santa Claus Is Back in Town
Santa Lucia
Scratch My Back
Seeing Is Believing
See See Rider
Sentimental Me
Separate Ways
Shake a Hand
Shake, Rattle and Roll
Shake, Rattle and Roll/ Flip, Flop and Fly
Shake That Tambourine
She's a Machine
She's Not You
She Thinks I Still Care
She Wears My Ring
Shoppin' Around
Shout It Out
Silent Night
Silver Bells
Singing Tree
Sing You Children
Slicin' Sand
Slowly but Surely
Smokey Mountain Boy
So Close, Yet So Far (from Paradise)
Softly as I Leave You
So Glad You're Mine
So High
Soldier Boy
Somebody Bigger Than You and I
Something Blue
Song of the Shrimp
Sound Advice
Spanish Eyes
Spring Fever
Stand by Me
Starting Today
Startin' Tonight
Stay Away
Stay Away Joe
Steadfast, Loyal and True
Steamroller Blues
Steppin' Out of Line
Stop, Look and Listen
Stop Where You Are
Stranger in My Own Home Town
Stranger in the Crowd
Stuck on You
Such a Night
Summer Kisses, Winter Tears
Susan When She Tried
Suspicious Minds
Sweet Angeline
Sweet Caroline
Swing Down Sweet Chariot
Take Good Care of Her
Take Me to the Fair
Take My Hand, Precious Lord
Talk About the Good Times
Teddy Bear
Tell Me Why
Tender Feeling
Tennessee Waltz
Thanks to the Rolling Sea
That's All Right, Mama
That's Someone You Never Forget
That's When Your Heartaches Begin
The Bullfighter Was a Lady
The Fair's Moving On
The First Noel
The First Time Ever I Saw Your Face
The Fool
The Girl I Never Loved
The Girl of My Best Friend
The Impossible Dream
The Lady Loves Me
The Last Farewell
The Lord's Prayer
The Love Machine
The Meanest Girl in Town
The Next Step is Love
There Ain't Nothing Like a Song
There Goes My Everything
There Is No God but God
There Is So Much World to See
There's a Brand New Day on the Horizon
There's a Honky Tonk Angel (Who'll Take Me Back In)
There's Always Me
There's Gold in the Mountains
There's No Place Like Home
The Sound of Your Cry
The Twelfth of Never
The Walls Have Ears
The Whiffenpoof Song
The Wonderful World of Christmas
The Wonder of You
The Yellow Rose of Texas/ The Eyes of Texas
They Remind Me Too Much of You
Thinking About You
This Is Living
This Is My Heaven
This Is Our Dance
This Is the Story
This Time / I Can't Stop Loving You
Three Corn Patches
Thrill of Your Love
Tiger Man
Today, Tomorrow and Forever
Tomorrow Is a Long Time
Tomorrow Never Comes
Tomorrow Night
Tonight Is So Right for Love
Tonight's All Right for Love
Too Much
Too Much Monkey Business
Treat Me Nice
True Love
True Love Travels on a Gravel Road
Tryin' to Get to You
Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus / Nearer My God to Thee
Tutti Frutti
Tweedle Dee
Twenty Days and Twenty Nights
Unchained Melody
Until It's Time for You to Go
Up Above My Head
U.S. Male
Vino, Dinero y Amor
Viva Las Vegas
Walk a Mile in My Shoes
Way Down
Wearin' That Loved-on Look
Wear My Ring Around Your Neck
We Call on Him
We Can Make the Morning
Welcome to My World
We'll Be Together
We're Coming in Loaded
We're Gonna Move
Western Union
What a Wonderful Life
What'd I Say
What Every Woman Lives For
What Now My Love
What Now, What Next, Where To
What's She Really Like
Wheels on My Heels
When I'm over You
When It Rains, It Really Pours
When My Blue Moon Turns to Gold Again
When the Saints Go Marchin' In
Where Could I Go but to the Lord
Where Did They Go Lord
Where Do I Go from Here ?
Where Do You Come From ?
Where No One Stands Alone
White Christmas
Who Am I ?
Who Are You (Who Am I ?)
Whole Lotta Shakin' Goin' On
Who Needs Money
Why Me Lord
Wild in the Country
Winter Wonderland
Wisdom of the Ages
Without Him
Without Love (There Is Nothing)
Wolf Call
Woman Without Love
Wooden Heart (Muss I Denn)
Working on the Building
Write to Me from Naples
Yoga Is as Yoga Does
You Asked Me To
You Belong to My Heart
You Better Run
You Can't Say No in Acapulco
You Don't Have to Say You Love Me
You Don't Know Me
You Gave Me a Mountain
You Gotta Stop
You'll Be Gone
You'll Never Walk Alone
You'll Think of Me
Young and Beautiful
Young Dreams
Your Cheatin' Heart
You're a Heartbreaker
You're the Boss
You're the Only Star in My Blue Heaven
Your Love's Been a Long Time Coming
Your Time Hasn't Come Yet Baby
You've Lost That Lovin' Feelin'

Elvis : A Biography - Jerry Hopkins, Warner Books Inc - 1972
All About Elvis - Fred L. Worth & Steve D. Tamerius, Bantam Books, 1981 - 448 p.
Elvis - Dave Marsh, Rolling Stone Press Book/Times Books - 1982
Elvis : His Life from A to Z - Fred L. Worth, Random House Value Publishing - 1993
Night Train To Memphis – The Rise Of Elvis Presley - Peter Guralnick, Little, Brown and Company - 1994, 576 p.
Elvis Presley: A Life in Music (The Complete Recording Sessions) - Ernst Jorgensen, St Martins Pr - 1998 (1st édition), 454 p.
Elvis Sessions III. The Recorded Music of Elvis Aron Presley 1953-1977 - Joseph A. Tunzi, J.A.T. Publishing - 2004, 656 p.

Notes & fréquences
Guitare Gibson L6S
La saga des Fender
Le Magazik
Julian Lennon
Elvis Presley
Glaser Brothers
Festival Valotte
Chansons 1939-1945

Ecologie Appliquée
Esotérisme pour tous
Chevaux et Dressage
Immobilier Ecologique
LEDs Distribution
Ecologie Féminine
Voix des Amognes
Mon Avis
Santé & Ecologie
Nièvre Passion
Ma sécurité
Les Ferronniers
Canal de Givry

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